Thursday, August 21, 2008

Raleigh Ramblings

OK, so technically ~ I'm not IN Raleigh. I'm in Rocky Mount, which is a town that appears to be comprised of nothing but hotels and chain restaurants. In truth, I'm not even sure that I'm going to be driving through Raleigh - but any blog reader of mine wouldn't truly be about semantics, would they?
I survived yesterday's road adventure, dead tired from spending my last night in Savannah wondering if the damn haunted TV was going to come on again (it didn't by the way). Then, thanks to the very nice valet, my car lights were left on, draining my battery. After "Bubba" (no joke) gave my car a jump (and leered at me in a way that suggested it wasn't the only thing he was thinking of jumping), I was off and running.
As previously tweeted, don't ever have to pee on South Carolina. There were very little stops on the stretch if I95 I was traveling on, and I was grateful to have waited until North Carolina for that second cup of coffee. Also, South Carolina is completely devoid of signage. Now, the simplicity is beautiful in many respects, but at the same time, girlfriend would like to know if she's even close to the speed limit, you know what I mean?
I was able to meet up with a friend and have dinner last night here in Rocky Mount, and the company was lovely and much appreciated. Today, I venture to Alexandria, Virginia. My timing kind of sucks and it appears as though I'll be wading in right about rush hour. I may just have to detour along the way (although there are no South of the Borders to look forward to) to put me in a tad later.
Tomorrow - it's off the the Library of Congress!


Tom said...

In South Carolina dead dogs substitute for signage along the highway- e.g., "Exit one mile after Pit Bull #3. If you pass the Chocolate Lab you've gone too far!"

Also a strong second for not taking a pee break in the Palmetto State, although my Favorite Cafe in the World is actually in SC -- the SeeWee, on Route 17 near Charleston. So there's a little bit of love there...

Anonymous said...

Heya! So you're traveling where it's GREEN! I once went to North Carolina, Virginia and Washington D.C. This time of year is SO HUMID! Hope you survive, and have a wonderful beautiful time!