Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Subway Etiquette and More

Progress, People!

Thanks to my new electronic boyfriend, Tom-Tom, I have managed to only get lost TWICE this week. Tom-Tom was an excellent purchase, especially since it talks to me in a male, British voice that indulges a fantasy I won't be getting into in this blog. There is the minor problem of being able to read Tom-Tom while driving at the same time, but what relationship isn't fraught with communication issues? I'm sure Tom-Tom and I will be able to work it out.

I have ventured into the fabulous world of the "MBTA" (that's Boston's Public Transportation system for you non-Mass folk). I have to admit - their website is pretty good, even though I still can't figure out which bus seems to run up and down the mountain that I live on.

However, I have to comment on a strange and developing Subway Paranoia that I seem to be developing. It's the Seat Movers. Now, I'm respectful of people's personal space. I don't take up more than just my seat on the subway, and I keep my belongings on my person. I shower daily (sometimes twice!) and even wear a light perfume which is not overwhelming in scent. So why do people sitting next to me get up and move seats? I mean, I'm not talking WIDE open seating. I'm talking they go from sitting next to me, and go and sit next to someone else - in some instances, what I would consider to be a less desirable seat mate. Am I not adhering to some subway etiquette that I'm not aware of? Maybe I smile too much or look friendly? Perhaps I need to offer gum to my seat-mates in an effort to make peace so they don't abandon me for the person across the way. What's WRONG with me? HELP!!!!

In other Subway news, I saw not one - but TWO individuals playing with their Rubik's Cubes on the subway. I think I want one, and for those of you itching to buy me a present, my birthday is coming up.

OK - off to make my second trip to buy a printer. I made a trip over the weekend to the "phantom" Burlington Coat Factory in Cambridge. And today, I walked into a Staples that - oopsy- wasn't actually open yet. Signage, people - SIGNAGE!

Take Two,


Tom said...

Wait, you're *smiling* on the T? No wonder people are giving you a wide berth. If you want to blend in, you need to put on your best angry face and constantly mutter under your breath about "the Sawx".

TheDiva Rockin said...

Are you sure they aren't moving so they can get a better look at you?