Monday, December 3, 2007

I'm Tagged! Eight Random Things About Me

Ok, so this post actually doesn't have anything to do with customer service, but I was "tagged" by my fellow blogger and BFF, TheDiva Rockin. Never one to leave a call unanswered, I am returning the tag with this blog post: Eight Random Things About Me. Hey, can't hurt if we all get to know each other a little better, can it? Here's some randomness at it's finest:

1. I have a paisley birthmark on my stomach
2. I understand Spanish well enough to know when someone is talking crap about me, but they'll never know it
3. Despite having a Master's Degree, I am the worst speller you'll ever meet (grammar is not so hawt, either).
4. I order ice cream sundaes and only eat the whipped cream and sprinkles
5. I was almost arrested in Italy for failing to pay my way on a Roman subway
6. I've never balanced a check book or bounced a check
7. I can usually Name That Tune in three notes or less
8. I'm ambidextrous (and yes, I had to look up THAT spelling for this post).

Fellow bloggers & friends: Consider yourself tagged as well! What randomness do you have going on?


Anonymous said...

uh....yea....great job here...

Anonymous said...

1. I had a tire blow out on the highway and now I have constant tire anxiety
2. I'm alergic to cashews and hazelnuts but I don't do anything cool like blow up when I eat them
3. I've seen Barenaked Ladies live 19 times
4. I have a cat name Maggie but I just call her Kitty.
5. My car is a rear wheel drive beast which is cool except for when there is snow.
6. I often leave things undone...

Anonymous said...

Well, to share one thing with you all, I was almost arrested by the cops but we all know why, don't we my Caucasian brethren? Yes, I tried to steal some shoes when I was like 12. But, for the record, I was trying to put them back when I was caught so it was not really stealing technically.

TheDiva Rockin said...

You left out that time when we were on spring break and drank all those jello shots!!

and I now know not to share a sundae with you!

Anonymous said...

You have been nominated for the award for most infrequently updated blog ever. Congrats.