Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Reflection (of sorts)

It's a relatively quiet Tuesday evening, and I think I'm going to pass my entire day without one dreaded service interaction, when I get the call: "Kat, we have a bather". A "bather" is a person who is using our public restrooms as their own personal day spa, a no-no for our institution. Truthfully, I can't say I care all that much WHAT people do in there, but alas, my job is to address the matter. Off I must go, to again tell someone to put their clothes back on.
Put their clothes back on? I take a moment to reflect. At one point did my professional career take a turn to where this has become part of my job responsibilities? Let's take some time, readers, and explore other matters Queen Kat can't believe she's had to deal with.
  • I've asked a grown man to please stop crying about missing a certain costumed character in a theme park
  • I once had to tell a man to pull up his pants, as he wasn't aware they had fallen to his ankles
  • Last year, I had to deliver legal paperwork to a pissed off man in handcuffs who had just been arrested for punching a bus driver. Since he looked like he was going to bite me, I put the paperwork on the ground and slide it to him using my foot.
  • I had to tell a ten year old boy that "eat me" was, in fact, not a term of endearment.
  • I've had to tell a woman that her body odor was so pungent, that she needed to leave the building due to the concern it was raising with other customers (should probably rethink the bather rule above - perhaps we've got a contradiction here)
  • I had to tell a family of four that throwing bread crusts on the restaurant floor was, in fact, not acceptable behavior
  • I've had to plunge a toilet, something I've never even done in my own house.
So, readers, it's your turn to reflect: what are your prize career moments? Leave a comment, or shoot me an email at I can't wait to hear them, as I'm sure some of you can top mine!


Anonymous said...

Those are very interesting episodes for sure but look on the bright side - who wants a boring, normal job anyway? At least you haev interesting stories to share!

Anonymous said...

Those are very interesting episodes for sure but look on the bright side - who wants a boring, normal job anyway? At least you haev interesting stories to share!