Monday, January 21, 2008

Transfer Time!

Breaking news from the Queen Kat front:
In March, I am being transferred to a non-customer service area! That's right! I'll be spending a whole year AWAY from the customers. My employer is tucking me away in the basement, where my clients will be packing tape, shredders, stickers, and an occasional larger-than-average bug. While this in general is good news, I have to say it brought to mind that song "Self Esteem" by The Offspring:

Now I know I'm being used
That's ok because I like the abuse

Is it possible that (gulp) I might actually MISS customer service for the time that I am gone? Should I have my peers and coworkers yell at me on occasion so I don't lose my touch? Even more shocking, my new position will require interaction with vendors who want to sell me stuff. That's right - folks - I'm going to get brown-nosed! Wow - so surreal.
But don't worry - I've still got fodder for this blog for many, many entries to come!


TheDiva Rockin said...

Be sure to kick an atlas around once in a while...if youre in the basement, no one will hear it's calls for help. muwahahahah

Anonymous said...

i waited a week for were supposed to post something LAST monday...sigh..the customer service on this website leaves something to be desired...