Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Here's a birthday poem to the one, the only, Miss Diva Rockin!


There once was a lass named Kera
Who loves lip gloss and ponies and shoes
She morphed into a Broad named Diva
And often Tweet'd from the loo!

I met her in a pancake place
She served her swill with flair
I knew for sure, when I first laid eyes
My new BFF was there!

She liked her fun and adventure time
Diva really played the part
As I got to know her more and more - I felt
The Groove was in her Heart!

Big Daddy, Sade, Podcasts and Breaks
The memories are out of sight
I f only we can get Miss S to sing
For an Afternoon Delight!

As you turn a year older, the remember-whens
Bring smiles to our face
I look forward to making so many more
With my favorite Be-Atch in the Human Race!

Happy Birthday, Kera!
*gigantic hugs*


TheDiva Rockin said...

Awww!! look at you! So sweet it makes me feel badly for being a bad friend and never sending you a poem, christmas gifts, valentines, easter eggs, or flowers.

Anonymous said...

What a cute poem! Although, next time, I would expect it to be a little more "limericky" (he, he).